return "FADE IN/OUT" & RETURN & RETURN & "Gives the appearance of a sprite fading in or out. " & "Choose whether the sprite should first appear at maximum (faded in) or minimum (faded out) values, when the fading should start, the minimum and maximum fade values, the number of times it should fade, and how fast it should fade. " & "The fade can be activated automatically in the first frame, by a click on the sprite, or by sending the sprite an mFadeActivate message." & RETURN & RETURN & "PERMITTED MEMBER TYPES:" & RETURN & "animated GIF, bitmap, Flash, text, vector shape" & RETURN & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "* Fade in or out?" & RETURN & "* Maximum fade value" & RETURN & "* Minimum fade value" & RETURN & "* Fade activation (automatic, click, or message)" & RETURN & "* Number of fade cycles" & RETURN & "* Time period for fade in seconds" & RETURN & RETURN & "Set the number of fade cycles to -1 if you want an endless loop, or to 0 if the fade should happen only once."
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return "Fades a sprite between two fade values once, multiple times, or indefinitely. " & "The fade can be initiated automatically, by mouse click, or via a message to the sprite."